Code of Conduct


The BICC Code of Conduct applies to all individuals credentialed by BICC, as well as individuals seeking certification (candidates or applicants) from BICC. All applicants and certificants will agree to the BICC Code of Conduct (Code) as a condition of certification. Violation of any portion of the Code may result in disciplinary action as outlined in the Disciplinary Policy.


The Code of Conduct establishes the basic ethical standards for the professional behavior of BICC certificants and candidates. The Code is designed to provide both appropriate ethical practice guidelines and enforceable standards of conduct for all certificants and candidates.

Code of Conduct

BICC supports appropriate, professional standards designed to serve the public, employees, employers, consumers, and their caregivers. First and foremost, BICC certificants and candidates give priority to providing services that treat the deficits and behaviors associated with autism spectrum disorder using the principles and procedures of applied behavior analysis and under the supervision of a Board Certified Behavior Analyst, licensed psychologist, or other licensed professional acting within the scope of his/her license in a manner that promotes integrity and reflects positively on the profession, consistent with accepted moral, ethical, and legal standards. 

BICC certificants and candidates have the obligations to: maintain high standards of integrity and professional conduct; accept responsibility for their actions; continually seek to enhance their professional capabilities; practice with fairness and honesty; and, encourage others to act in a professional manner, consistent with the certification standards and responsibilities set forth below.

Section 1:Legal Requirements

Adhere to all laws, regulations, policies, and ethical standards that apply to the practice of providing applied behavior analysis.
Refrain from public behavior that is clearly in violation of professional, ethical, and/or legal standards that apply to the practice of providing services that treat the deficits and behaviors associated with autism spectrum disorder.
Refrain from discrimination in professional activities, including dual relationships with employees, employers, clients and their families, and other professionals.
Report all professional investigations and/or felony charges within three business days of becoming aware of them.

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Section 2:BICC Policies & Requirements

Follow all BICC certification program policies, procedures, requirements, and rules. This includes the obligation to be aware of and understand these policies and requirements.
Provide accurate and complete information to BICC concerning certification and recertification.
Keep confidential all BICC examination information, including preventing unauthorized disclosures of exam information.
Cooperate with BICC regarding matters related to the Code of Conduct and complaint and/or disciplinary investigations.

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Section 3:Professional Performance

Deliver competent services within the scope of the individual’s BICC certification.
Act honestly in the conduct of responsibilities and in all professional interactions with others.
Recognize the limitations of one’s professional ability (based on education, knowledge, skills, experience, etc.) and provide services only when qualified to do so.
Treat clients and their families, caregivers, and other supports with professionalism, fairness, and respect.
Maintain the confidentiality of private and sensitive information, unless there is mandate to report or other legal obligation to disclose the information.
Properly use professional titles, degrees, and all credentials and provide accurate and truthful information regarding education, experience, qualifications, and the performance of services.
Disclose any conflicts of interest or potential conflicts of interest and avoid conduct that could cause a conflict of interest.
Uphold high standards of professional behavior at all times in the BICC certified role.

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